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Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik (Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Clinical Pharmacy)
ISSN : 16937899     EISSN : 27163814     DOI : 10.31942
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Daftar Isi dan Redaktur Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi & Farmasi Klinik vol. 5 no. 1 Juni 2008 fakultas farmasi
Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik JURNAL ILMU FARMASI DAN FARMASI KLINIK VOL. 5 NO. 1 JUNI 2008
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (106.154 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/jiffk.v5i1.791


iJurnalIlmu Farmasi &Farmasi KlinikJournal of Pharmaceutical Science & Clinical PharmacyPemimpin Umum/ Penanggung jawabDekan Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Wahid HasyimPemimpin RedaksiKetua Program Studi FarmasiFakultas Farmasi Universitas Wahid HasyimRedaktur AhliProf. Dr. Suwaldi MSc. Apt.Prof. Dr. Sasmito, Apt.Prof. Dr. Suwijiyo Pramono, Apt.Prof. Dr. Mustofa, MKes. Apt.Redaktur PelaksanaDrs. Ibrahim Arifin, Apt.Staf Redaksi :Riyanta Aribawa, SSi. Apt.Yulias Ninik Windrati, SSi. M.Si., Apt.Sri Susilowati, SSi. M.Si., Apt.Maulita Cut Nuria, SF. Apt.Aqnes Budiarti, SF. Apt.Sekretaris RedaksiYance Anas, S.Farm.,. Apt.DistributorAndi Heru Wahyanto.Alamat Redaksi/Tata UsahaFakultas Farmasi Universitas Wahid HasyimJl. Menoreh Tengah X/22 Sampangan SemarangTelp. 024-8505680, 8505681 Fax. 024-8505680E-mail : jiffk_uwh@yahoo.comTerbit 2 kali setahun sejak September 2004ISSN : 1693-7899Volume 5 No 1 Juni 2008iiJurnalIlmu Farmasi &Farmasi KlinikJournal of Pharmaceutical Science & Clinical PharmacyDAFTAR ISIPengaruh Variasi Konsentrasi Pektin Kulit Buah Jeruk Bali (Citrus maxima,Merr) sebagai Suspendimng Agent terhadap Sifat Fisik Suspensi MagnesiumHidroksidaYulias Ninik Windriyati, Ika Kurnaningsih, Mufrod……………………………………. 1 – 5Efek Antiinflamasi Ekstrak Etanolik Herba Alfalfa (Medicago sativa, L.) padaTikus Jantan yang Diinduksi Karagenin Beserta Identifikasi KandunganSenyawa AktifnyaSri Susilawati dan Yuniarti Rosyidah……………………………………………………. 6 – 9Kualitas Hidup pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 Rawat Jalan di Rumah SakitUmum Tidar MagelangYance Anas, Widi Astuti Rahayu., Tri Murti Andayani………………………………….10 – 13Analisis Kandungan Logam Berat Timbal (Pb), Cadmium (Cd) dan Merkuri (Hg)dalam Cumi-cumi (Loligo Sp.) yang Diperoleh dari TPI Tambak Lorok SemarangAqnes Budiarti, Rosmini, Henna Rya Sunoko …………………………………………...14 - 16Pemeriksaan Angka Kuman dan Jamur serta Identifikasinya pada Jamu GendongTemu Ireng dan Kunyit Asam di Kecamatan Gajahmungkur SemarangMaulita Cut Nuria, Yeni Lutfiani, Sulasmi, Sumantri…………………………………… 17 – 23Daya Antelmintik Ekstrak Etanol Biji Srikaya (Annona squamosa, L.) terhadapCacing Ascardia galli secara Invitro dan Profil KLTnyaRiyanta Aribawa, Atiq Fauziyah, Mustofa ……………………………………………… 24 – 30Analisis Kandungan Logam Berat Merkuri (Hg), Timbal (Pb), dan Cadmium (Cd)pada Ikan Baung (Hemiarius stornit) yang Diperoleh dari Sungai Kahayan KalimantanTengahAqnes Budiarti, Rini Yeni Susanti, Henna Rya Sunoko…………………………………. 31 – 33ISSN : 1693-7899Volume 5 No 1 Juni 2008iiiPENGANTAR REDAKSIAssalamualaikum Wr. Wb.Alhamdulillah seiring dengan perjalanan Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang, Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik (JIFFK) telah memasuki tahun ke-lima semenjak penerbitan perdana tahun 2004. kami tetap berharap bahwa JIFFK dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi perkembangan ilmu farmasi dan farmasi klinik.Kami berharap bahwa JIFFK ini dapat digunakan sebagai wadah bagi para peneliti, akademisi dan pemerhati ilmu farmasi dan farmasi klinik untuk mempublikasikan hasil penelitian atau pemeikirannya. Demi menjaga eksistensi dan sustainabilitas JIFFK kami senantiasa memohon sumbangan tulisan atau artikel dari para peneliti. Kami selalu berusaha untuk dapat meningkatkan kualitas dari setiap penerbitan JIFFK ini, karena kami memiliki cita-cita supaya JIFFK dapat terakreditasi dari Dikti, DepDikNas-RIAkhir kata kami sampaikan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kaepada semua pihak yang telah membantu terlaksananya penerbitan ini. Kritik dan saran selalu kami nantikan dari pembaca sekalian demi perbaikan dan kemajuan JIFFK.Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.Semarang, Juni 2008Hormat kamiRedaksi
Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik JURNAL ILMU FARMASI DAN FARMASI KLINIK VOL. 5 NO. 1 JUNI 2008
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (98.008 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/jiffk.v5i1.823


ABSTRACTSuspention is the most effective liquid dosage form for magnesium hydroxide because the compound relatively insoluble in water. Pectin as suspending agent has been used to inhibit sedimentation of suspension. The aim of this research is to know physical and chemical characteristic of pectin from Bali Citrus Peels and the influence of difference concentration of pectin and storage duration to physical characteristic of magnesium hydroxide suspensions. Pectin powder was extracted from Bali Citrus Peels with 70% ethanol. Magnesium hidroxide suspensions were made in three formulas with pectin concentration 0.75%, 1.00% and 1.25%. The suspensions was tested for their physical characteristic such as particle sizes, viscosity, sediment volume, redispersibility and fluidity (easiness to be poured) for 4 weeks. The result of this research shown that the pectin from Bali Citrus Peels can be used as suspending agent. The pectin powder has 15.26% water content, pH 3 and no amylum. The viscosity of mucilago was 33.33 cP for 0.75% concentration of pectin, 37.17 cP for 1.00%, and 40.50 cP for 1.25% respectively at the time of preparation. The difference concentration of pectin and its storage duration significantly affected particle sizes, viscosity, redispersibility and fluidity, while sediment volumes had influenced until the end of first week. Keywords: Pectin made of Bali Citrus Peels, Physical Characteristic and Suspensions
Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik JURNAL ILMU FARMASI DAN FARMASI KLINIK VOL. 5 NO. 1 JUNI 2008
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (198.975 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/jiffk.v5i1.824


ABSTRACTAlfalfa plant (Medicago sativa L.) contains of flavonoids compound, it has already known. One of the effects of flavonoids is anti-inflammatory effect of alfalfa herb (M. sativa L.). The purpose of this research to know about anti-inflammatory effect of alfalfa herb ethanolic extract on carragenan induced male rats and also to know the content of its active compound. Thirty male wistar rats were randomly divided into 5 group of 6. Group I, negative control, were treathed CMC-Na 0,5 %, group II, positive control, were treathed natrium diclofenac 6,3 mg/ kg BB. Group III, IV and V were treathed ethanolic extract of alfalfa herb orally dose 45 mg/ kg BW, 90 mg/ kg BW and 180 mg/ kg BW. Anti-inflammatory effect were measured of edema feet were done every 30 minutes for 6 hours using plestismometer. After edema feet data vs time got, then we can get AUC0-360 value and percentase anti-inflammatory effect. Statistic analytical used one way ANOVA (p<0,05) and continued with Tukey test then. Identification of active compound of alfalfa herb ethanolic extract was used Thiny Layer Chromatography (TLC). The result of the research shown that ethanolic extract of alfalfa herb by dosage 45 mg/ kg BW, 90 mg/ kg BW and 180 mg/ kg BW could reduce edema in carrageenan induced rats, significantly. The percentase of anti-inflammatory effect on dosage of 45 mg/ kg BW is 58,99 %, on 90 mg/ kg BW is 72,64 % and on 180 mg/ kg BW is 64,23 %. TLC result shown that active compound the ethanolic extract of alfalfa herbs was flavonoids. We could be concluded that ethanolic extract of alfalfa herb have anti-inflammatory effect. Key word : ethanolic extract of alfalfa herb (Medicago sativa L.), flavonoids, anti-inflammatory.
Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik JURNAL ILMU FARMASI DAN FARMASI KLINIK VOL. 5 NO. 1 JUNI 2008
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (156.301 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/jiffk.v5i1.825


ABSTRACTDiabetes Mellitus is a chronicle disease that gives effect to patient well being. Moreover, a complication suffering gives negative effect to the patient. The aim of this research is to identify the life quality of Diabetes Mellitus (type 2) sufferer and the characteristic relating to it quality of life. This research applied descriptive design and performed on the visitors of Policlinic of the interior disease on Tidar Hospital of Magelang during Juli – August 2007. The inclusion criterion is the visitors when this research performed, entering 18 years old or more, of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, any agreement of informed consent and filled up the questionnaire. The sample taking is done by accidental sampling. To measure the life quality is used a questionnaire of Diabetes Quality of Life (DQOL), then it continued by measure the quality of life of any patients that involved therapeutic satisfaction, the effect of therapy, the anxiety of diabetes, the anxiety of social problem and the quality of life in general. Every question is measured by the Likert Scale of 5. Of the 50 analyzed patients, 46% is female and 54% is male, with the biggest rate of age is 60-69 years old.The treatment of DM type 2 in Tidar Magelang general hospital for 50 patients who do treatment in the house have good rate life of score. It is 0,599 (it means the quality of life is higher). The lowest score of therapeutic effect is 0,588. Moreover, the highest score of anxiety to the diabetes is 0,616. The male patients and the patient with long duration show the low quality of life. Accordance with the correlation test of Spearman and Kendall is obtained that there was no significant correlation between the patient characteristic and it quality of life. Key word : the quality of life, Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, Tidar Hospital of Magelang
Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik JURNAL ILMU FARMASI DAN FARMASI KLINIK VOL. 5 NO. 1 JUNI 2008
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (133.426 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/jiffk.v5i1.826


ABSTRACTThe research about analysis of heavy metal lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and mercury (Hg) in Octopuses (Loligo sp.) obtained from TPI Tambak Lorok Semarang has been carried out. This research was intended to identify heavy metals accumulating in octopuses (Loligo sp). The objects studied in this research were octopuses obtained from Tambak Lorok marketplace in Semarang. The sample for this research was taken by simple random sampling at three different points of locations. The locations 1, 2 and 3 were located each from the west, the north and the east, respectively, from the port. The contents of lead, cadmium and mercury in the octopuses’ bodies were measured using SSA (Atom-Absorption Spectrophotometer). The obtained data were then tested using One-way anava. The differences in metal contents were analyzed using Scheffe’s tests and then compared with the basic quality standard stipulated in the Decision Number 03725/B/SK/VII/1989 by the POM Directorate General The study based on the three different points of locations showed the following results. The average lead contents in the octopuses obtained from the points of locations 1, 2 and 3 were 0.29 mg/kg, 0.24 mg/kg and 0.25 mg/kg respectively. The average cadmium contents in the octopuses obtained from the points of locations 1, 2 and 3 were 0.04 mg/kg, 0.05 mg/kg and 0.06 mg/kg respectively. The average mercury contents in the octopuses obtained from the points of locations 1, 2 and 3 were 0.06 mg/kg, 0.07 mg/kg and 0.07 mg/kg respectively The lead, cadmium and mercury contents in the octopuses obtained from the three locations had not exceeded upper limit stipulated in the Decision Number 03725/B/SK/VII/1989 by the POM Directorate General. Based on the One-way ANOVA statistical tests on the lead contents, there was no significant difference among the three samples, but the statistical tests on the cadmium and mercury contents showed a significant difference among the three different points of locations relating to these heavy metal contents in the octopuses Keywords : SSA (Atomic-Absorption Spectrophotometer), Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), Mercury (Hg), Octopuses (Loligo sp), Heavy Metal
Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik JURNAL ILMU FARMASI DAN FARMASI KLINIK VOL. 5 NO. 1 JUNI 2008
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (206.432 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/jiffk.v5i1.827


ABSTRACTThe herbal tonic is a product made from natural ingredients processed in traditional ways. A traditional herb made from Temu Ireng (Curcuma aeruginosa) is a kind of herb that still consumed by relatively many Indonesian citizens for enhanching appetite and acid turmeric often consumed by female for reducing the problems when they get haid. However, bacteria and fungi might grow in this traditional herb because of contaminated water (the diluting agent) and moisture, hygiene and sanitation factors. This study, therefore, was intended to find out the quantities and the species of these bacteria and fungi growing in the herb as it is sold in Gajah Mungkur district of Semarang City. This study also intended to compare these quantities to the prevailing standard stipulated. The samples for this study were taken from 36 producers Temu Ireng and acid turmeric herb, located in Gajah Mungkur District. The medium used for growing the material in an aerobic manner was PCA (Plate Count Agar), that used for growing in an anaerobic manner were TSA (Tripticase Soya Agar) and that used for growing the fungi were PDA (Potato Dextrose Agar). For counting the bacteria, we used the method of Standard Plate Count, for identifying the bacteria we used Gram Painting and chemical tested, and for identifying the fungi we used a 100-times amplifying microscope. The analysis showed in the sample Temu Ireng and acid turmeric are the average number of bacteria at the aerobic media were 7,4 x 106 and 2,1 x 105 CFU/ml, the average number of bacteria at the anaerobic media were 4,2 x 102 and 4,3 x 102 CFU/ml, the average number of fungi were 1,5 x 102 and 1,0 x 102 CFU/ml. The aerobic bacteria found in the study were Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the anaerobic bacteria was peptococcus, and the fungi were Penisillium, Moniliaceae, A. niger, dan Rhizopus. Nearly all samples examined in this study did not meet the conditions based on statement Indonesia Minister of Health No 661/MENKES/SK/VII/1994 because they exceeded the upper limit bacteria (104 CFU/ml) and also contain pathogenic bacterias. However, the number of fungi did not exceed the prevailing standard. Keywords: Temu Ireng Herb, Acid Turmeric Herbs, Bacteria Number and Fungi Number.
DAYA ANTELMINTIK EKSTRAK ETANOL BIJI SRIKAYA (Annona squamosa L.) TERHADAP CACING Ascaridia galli SECARA In Vitro DAN PROFIL KLTNYA riyanta aribawa; atiq fauziyah; mustofa mustofa
Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik JURNAL ILMU FARMASI DAN FARMASI KLINIK VOL. 5 NO. 1 JUNI 2008
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (176.71 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/jiffk.v5i1.828


ABSTRACTCustard apple (Annona squamosa L.) is one of efficacious medical plant that often used by local community for constipation, insectiside, carbuncle, scabies, gastrointestinal problem such diarrhoea, dysentery and anthelmintic. In Indonesia, worm disease is infection disease that still high prevalention. Although modern anthelmintic is in stock, but still common community is to use medical plant, specialy custard apple for therapeutic worm disease. The aim of this research was to deterinate anthelmintic capability of ethanol extract of seed custard apple on the worm Ascaridia galli on in vitro. This researches were pure experimental by using Lamson and Brown method submerges that have been modified by using 270 of worm femele, that devided into 9 groups treatment, which was 4 groups for ethanol extract of seed custerd apple in concentration of 10 mg/mL, 20 mg/mL, 30 mg/mL, 40 mg/mL, 4 positive control groups (citrate piperazinae 2 mg/mL, 4 mg/mL, 6 mg/mL, 8 mg/mL) and negative control group (NaCl 9 mg/mL). Each group consist of 6 petri disc and each petri disc contain 5 of worm and 25 mL solution. Anthelmintic capability is measurement observed is the mortality time rate of the worm and value LC50, that is concentration is needed for killing 50% worm population and than analysed date by one way ANOVA and continued by Least Significant Difference (LSD) test. The research result, shown that mortality time rate of worm after submerges by ethanol extract of seed custrad apple in concentration 10 mg/mL, 20 mg/mL, 30 mg/mL, and. 40 mg/mL is 43,33; 38,00; 37,66 and 34,33 hours. Exactly after submerges by citrate piperazinae 4 mg/mL shown mortality time rate of worm is 34,33 hour. LC50 value of ethanol extract of seed custard apple and piperazinae citrate at 12th hour is 36,94 mg/mL and 2,26 mg/mL. Result Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) shown seed custard apple containes compounds such as from alkaloid, flavonoid and tanin. That compounds is posibility efficacious anthelmintic. Keywords : Annona squamosa L., anthelmintic, Lamson and Brown method submerges.
Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik JURNAL ILMU FARMASI DAN FARMASI KLINIK VOL. 5 NO. 1 JUNI 2008
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (141.794 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/jiffk.v5i1.829


ABSTRACTGold mining waste and other human being’s rubbish containing heavy metal thrown into the water would be contaminating river. This condition will push to the bio-magnification and bio-accumulation under water living. The measured variables were Mercury (Hg), Lead (Pb) and Cadmium (Cd) content which were concentrated in Baung fish body. The researched environment parameters were Mercury (Hg), Lead (Pb) and Cadmium (Cd) containing in the water and the rate of DO, BOD and COD. Block model was used in this experimental model of this research. Sampling technique used was simple random sampling, with Baung fish and the water from Kahayan river as samples. Hg, Pb and Cd were measured with Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The result of this research indicates that the metal content in Baung fish in point I, that is 150 meters before the gold mining site : Hg 0.09 mg/kg, Pb 0.16 mg/kg, Cd 0.01 mg/kg, then point II that is 0 meter of the gold mining site : Hg 0.09 mg/kg, Pb 0.20 mg/kg, Cd 0.01 mg/kg and in point III that is 150 meters after the gold mining site : Hg 0.08 mg/kg, Pb 0.19 mg/kg, Cd 0.01 mg/kg. Metal content of Kahayan river water in point I : Hg 0.007 mg/L, Pb 0.030 mg/L, Cd 0.005 mg/L, then point II Hg 0.007 mg/L, Pb 0.030 mg/L, Cd 0.005 mg/L and in point III : Hg 0.006 mg/L, Pb 0.030 mg/L, Cd 0.005 mg/L. BAF in point I : Hg 2.4518, Pb 1.1478, Cd 0.4067, point II : 2.7667, Pb 1.3689, Cd 0.4200, and in point III : Hg 2.8703, Pb 1.3178, Cd 0.4200. Hg, Pb and Cd in Baung fish is still under the limit of permittable metal contamination in fish and its differential products according to the government regulation from Dirjen POM No. 03725/B/SK/VII/89. The rate of DO, BOD and COD from this three locations have over the permanent quality of PP No.82 in 2001 about water quality management and water pollution management. Keywords : Heavy metal Mercury (Hg), Lead (Pb) and Cadmium (Cd), Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, Baung fish (hemiarius stornii).

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